Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Old MacDonald had a Farm EIEIO…

December 31st, 2008

Old MacDonald had a Farm EIEIO…

Almost 2009! Tonight we had Amani club with the orphans and other HIV+ kids. Their teacher had asked me to arrive early to give an HIV lesson to the older kids. When I arrived, Assam, their teacher told me I was just in time for my turn to lead the class in song. First of all, I am not good at speaking in front of an audience and much less comfortable singing…All of the kids were saying, “Sing something teacher Marissa. Sing!” So, I felt obligated and all I could come up with is “Old MacDonald.” The first animal I could think of was pig which wasn’t the best choice in front of a muslim audience. The kids are so musically talented. They picked up the song right away and joined in and did some fancy clapping, so luckily I wasn’t singing by myself for too long. The kids flip flop their r’s and l’s. Some get my name right and call me Melissa, others call me Marissa and some call me Teacher Mona Lisa…Kind of funny.

After singing, I gave the HIV lesson-it went well.

1 comment:

  1. Well they asked for it - but a song about a pig farmer!!!! Ha ha I really hope someone got that on video.
